Welcoming Patience! She was born July 31 and is a pure mutt. 25% Neapolitan Mastiff, 25% Burmese Mountain Dog, 12.5% Australian Shephard, 12.5% Bull Mastiff, 25% who knows. She has a very gentle nature and already knows many commands. No one taught her. Must be an old spirit. If anyone talks with her please pass it on. Linda
Animal Communicator Circle
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Welcoming Patience! She was born July 31 and is a pure mutt. 25% Neapolitan Mastiff, 25% Burmese Mountain Dog, 12.5% Australian Shephard, 12.5% Bull Mastiff, 25% who knows. She has a very gentle nature and already knows many commands. No one taught her. Must be an old spirit. If anyone talks with her please pass it on. Linda
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Brandy passing
Hello all, As you probably know Brandy passed this past Saturday Sept 18. It was her time and I know she is pain free. I do want to share her communication in her final hours. I was driving from Vt to get back to Ma to be with her and take her to the Vet for help. As I drove I connected with her and all of a sudden I had her jumping up and down on my dashboard as a puppy. She was so vivid I almost had trouble driving! She was so excited and happy saying " Mommy look I can play! Mommy, Mommy I'm jumping, I'm Playing!!!" Well Linn and I had always called me Mommy and Linn Momma. When I got home I knew she had already left the painful body. I am so blessed to be open to this communication! Thank you all for your help with my sweet Brandy.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A lesson from mice
Hello all, Mice!! We have had a mouse problem at our home. I love them, but Linn has an old history and does not want them running in the house. Well, with three former barn cats, one would think our mice would stay clear, but NO! They actually run by the cats. The cats look and sometimes catch one and bring it alive into the bedroom for a play date. I finally had to set traps and the first one that was killed in the trap put me over the edge for a whole day. I even apologized to the mouse. Well I had tried to connect with them but just was unable. I finally realized it was me who had the block and spent two hours meditating. I forgave myself for killing seven mice in two days and an ant! Once grounded I was able to connect with them and asked them to live in the garage. I could hear their little voices chattering and even without hearing them clearly, I knew they were good to go. It has been two days now and NO MICE!!!! My lesson is that I have to be clear and grounded to receive their messages. Hope you all have a great day!
Friday, July 30, 2010
What's in a Name
Hi All,
Ashes, a young calico cat wasn't affectionate to her person for the past few months. After hearing about our Kripalu workshop my friend asked if I'd ck in w/ Ashes. Ashes relayed she didn't like her name. Her person is particular about names and since she is a grey, orange and white cat, Ashes was chosen since ash can be grey, white and orange when still aflame. If you've seen any of the Adopt a Shelter Pet stamps, the tri-colored cat looks like this sweet girl. My friend is a writer, TS Eliot fan, and big fan of kitties. This 3-colored kitty said her name was M...... something beginning with M. I got Merle...
Although skeptical, my friend has renamed her Mandy, short for Amanda, worthy of love in Latin. Mandy has now been affectionate w/ her person multiple times since Tues. eve., hasn't snapped at her. I'm floored.
Ashes, a young calico cat wasn't affectionate to her person for the past few months. After hearing about our Kripalu workshop my friend asked if I'd ck in w/ Ashes. Ashes relayed she didn't like her name. Her person is particular about names and since she is a grey, orange and white cat, Ashes was chosen since ash can be grey, white and orange when still aflame. If you've seen any of the Adopt a Shelter Pet stamps, the tri-colored cat looks like this sweet girl. My friend is a writer, TS Eliot fan, and big fan of kitties. This 3-colored kitty said her name was M...... something beginning with M. I got Merle...
Although skeptical, my friend has renamed her Mandy, short for Amanda, worthy of love in Latin. Mandy has now been affectionate w/ her person multiple times since Tues. eve., hasn't snapped at her. I'm floored.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to The Pond
My son and I often walk down by the water early mornings. This morning we saw two things we have never seen before. One was a gaggle of geese. I have seen these guys flying south and north and in other cities close to mine but never have I seen them on the ground here.
As we got closer to them, we came upon a nesting of baby mallards. We often see these little ones in a family setting but never have we seen them on their own.
We tried to not get too close to scare them but it was fascinating. The geese didn't seem to be bothering the babies, nor did the babies seem bothered by the geese. As we sat and watched them each doing their own thing, a female mallard came quacking in from the west then suddenly took flight and buzzed over the geese. She kept going. In a minute the geese had obviously broken into two groups, one group took to the water honking then suddenly broke into flight. Another minute later the second group did the same. Luckily I had my camera ready the second time. As amazing as it is to communicate, or try to communicate with wildlife, it is equally amazing to see them communicate with each other.
Tommy the frog
Just wanted to tell folks who get it about the frog named Tommy. We finally got the pool filled after having it reconditioned. A frog was in the pool and I communicated by picturing the frog getting on my hand. He came to within an inch of my hand and I picked him up. I told him that there were chemicals in the pool and it wasn't safe for him. I heard "Why do humans put chemicals in water?" I do not think I answered well. I tried to explain it was to keep the water clean and clear. NO response from the frog. The next day he was in the pool again and I had him come to my hand. I called him frog, I heard " Tommy" I now call him Tommy. I have made him a small pool and asked him not to get in the pool as I am going on vacation Sunday for 2 weeks. He was not in the pool today. I look forward to hearing of all your new adventures. Linda
I made a small pool for him last night.
Just wanted to tell folks who get it about the frog named Tommy. We finally got the pool filled after having it reconditioned. A frog was in the pool and I communicated by picturing the frog getting on my hand. He came to within an inch of my hand and I picked him up. I told him that there were chemicals in the pool and it wasn't safe for him. I heard "Why do humans put chemicals in water?" I do not think I answered well. I tried to explain it was to keep the water clean and clear. NO response from the frog. The next day he was in the pool again and I had him come to my hand. I called him frog, I heard " Tommy" I now call him Tommy. I have made him a small pool and asked him not to get in the pool as I am going on vacation Sunday for 2 weeks. He was not in the pool today. I look forward to hearing of all your new adventures. Linda
I made a small pool for him last night.
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